10 Ways to get rid of IRS tax debt

Stop the IRS in its tracks & eliminate your IRS Tax Problems


  • IRS Offer In Compromise Program

  • IRS Non-Collectible Program

  • IRS Hardship Payment Plan

  • IRS Innocent Spouse Relief

  • IRS SFR Tax Reconsideration

  • ID Theft Resolution

  • IRS Audit Reconsideration

  • IRS Strike Back Method

  • IRS Special Life Circumstances

  • The Complete Strategy Video Course!

The IRS, with its 78,000 employees and hefty budget, packs a punch. They use advanced tech and legal muscle (asset seizures, wage garnishments) to collect your dues. But fear not, theses tax relief programs can stop the IRS Collection efforts.


FRONT END TAX DEBT SETTLEMENT PROGRAM: Eliminate your debt entirely! The OIC allows you to negotiate a reduced payment amount that settles your entire tax burden, including penalties and interest. This is often the ultimate solution for those struggling with significant debt.

2. IRS Non Collectible Status

IRS Financial Hardship Program. This program stops all IRS collection actions while you demonstrate financial hardship. If granted, the IRS may write off your balance after an extended period. However, remember, this doesn't erase the debt itself.

3: Hardship Payment Plan

Pay only what you can afford, not what you owe the IRS. Make manageable monthly payments based on your income, without extending the deadline for the IRS to collect the debt. This option helps you chip away at your balance gradually without facing collection actions.

4. Innocent Spouse Relief

When your spouse or former spouse should be held responsible: Are you unfairly saddled with your ex-spouse's tax debt? This program can release you from liability if you were unaware of their tax issues and acted in good faith.

5. IRS Subsitute For Return Replacement

Get back the tax deductions and credits & minimize the taxes when the IRS filed for you.

6. Identity Theft Protection:

If you suspect your identity has been used for fraudulent tax activity, report it immediately and file a proper return to clear your name and eliminate erroneous debt.

7. Audit Reconsideration

Disagree with an IRS audit? You can submit additional documentation to potentially reduce your assessed taxes, penalties, and interest.

8. IRS Strike Back Method:

Challenge and appeal unfair IRS decisions related to liens, levies, or denied tax relief programs. The Office of Appeals may overturn an unfavorable decision in your favor.

9. Special Life Circumstances:

Experiencing unique hardships like medical emergencies or natural disasters? The IRS may consider special circumstances to offer alternative solutions for resolving your tax debt.

10. More than 10 ways to resolve your IRS Tax Problems!

Get even more in-depth insights! Access a comprehensive guide with detailed explanations and strategies for tackling your tax problems. Not a boring e-book, a video course you can easily follow! Click Here to get access today!

Rather get professional help? We can help! Let’s Schedule a free tax relief strategy session! To get started, click below!

Key takeaways:

  • Numerous options exist to resolve IRS tax debt and avoid collection actions.

  • Each program has its own eligibility requirements and benefits.

  • Seeking professional help can make the process easier and maximize your chances of success.

Don't wait any longer. Take action today and get rid of your IRS troubles for good!


5 Ways to get rid of IRS tax debt