Years of Unfiled Tax Returns?
File your unfiled tax returns & Get Tax Relief from a highly trusted tax relief expert
(949) 506-3457
There are many ways to resolve your years of unfiled tax returns with the IRS. The IRS has some conflicting information when it comes to several years of unfiled tax returns.
What is the best way to file your missing back taxes?
We evaluate all of your options, which include filing all missing returns, the 10-year statute rule, the 6-year fresh start rule & the minimum tax filing requirement.
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Back Tax Filing Process
If you have years of unfiled IRS tax returns, don't worry - there are steps you can take to get back into compliance.
When you have missing tax filings, the most frighteneing aspect is what the potential outcome might be with the IRS. Will the IRS just seek out revenge with harsh penalties on additional taxes? There are many aspects to getting all the delinquetn tax filings caught up. We have reviewed all the tax laws regarding filing up all prior year tax filings, and there might be some good news.
Getting into tax filing compliance is the first step to qualifying for many IRS tax relief programs. So if you're feeling overwhelmed by your taxes, take a deep breath and follow these steps to get started. In a perfect world, you would typically need the following to get your unfiled taxes caught up:
1-Gather your documents - You will need all of your past W-2s and 1099s in order to file your taxes. If you don't have these forms, you can request them from your employer or the IRS.
2-File your return - You can do this yourself or hire a professional to help you.
3-Pay any owed taxes - If you owe taxes, you will need to pay them as soon as possible. The sooner you pay, the lower your interest and penalties will be.
If the 3 steps seem like an impossible task, we totally get it! We do not live in a perfect world. So we understand that in reality its difficult to accomplish those 3 steps to get your unfiled taxes caught up. Since we specialize in filing back taxes for our clients, we understand the difficulty of all 3 items listed above. Life happens! There are life events that occur that we have to deal with, and that puts tax filing in the back burner. So the approach we have is to ultimately have a plan that you are able to follow to get into tax filing compliance with the IRS.
Haven’t filed in several years? How long has it been since you last filed a tax return? Not filed a tax return in 3 years? Haven’t filed taxes in 5 years? Has it been 10 years or longer that you haven’t filed? Our approach is to evaluate your specific situation, and we can determine what is the best way to get you into current tax filing compliance! Get a free case review from our experienced tax relief team!
We offer a free case review for your unfiled tax returns. There is no commitment to move forward after the initial consultation.
1-Review Unfiled Taxes, even if you do not have any records!
2-Saving your valuable time, not wasting it with the IRS
3-Saving you money by advising of the Tax Relief Secrets & avoiding relief scams!
Jeff Pachuilo, EA
Andrea Duque, JD
Sergio Melendez, JD EA
Semper Tax Relief Team
When you have years of unfiled taxes, it can be difficult to get the process started. We have helped many of our clients catch up with missing tax filings! In many circumstances, you may not have all of your income records needed to complete your years of unfiled tax returns. If you are missing wage information, the IRS wages & income transcripts can help. The Wages & Income transcripts report income from third-party sources, so they can be a valuable tool when filing your back taxes. We use the information from these transcripts to ensure that your return is accurate and complete.
The next step of filing your prior years of unfiled taxes is to gather your specific year by year tax filing infomration. This would include information to determine your filing status, which the common types are: Single, Head of Household, Married filing joint, Married Filing Single & Qualified Widow(er). In addition, we would need any dependent information you would be claiming on any prior years.
There are certain Deductions you can claim when filing your taxes. These duductions on the personal side are known as Itemized Deductions, which are applied on the Schedule A of your income tax return. When you have several years of unfiled tax returns, you can itemize your deductions for each year of your unfiled tax return. The common tax deductions are: Medical & dental expenses, State & Local Taxes, Mortgage Interest you have paid on your home, Gifts to Charity & Casualty & theft Losses. If your itemized deductions for your prior years of unfiled taxes are less than the standard dedcution, we use the statndard deduction!
If you are self employed or are a single member LLC, we would need your self employed business expenses that would offset your self employed income. When you are self employed the income reported on Wages & Income Transcript include 1099Misc with non employee compensation or the 1099 NEC, which does not account for your expenses. We have a simplified worksheet that you can fill out that has the most common self employed business deductions. When you are self-emp;loyed, you can also depreciate certain business assets. We cna create the depreciation schedules for your business assets.
Once we have gathered all of your wages & Income transcript, and all of your information for credits & dedcutions, we have the of your income tax returns drafted for the prior years and ready to submit to the IRS!
Filing Back Taxes
Free case review evaluating the current tax problems, and evaluating the right solutions
Get in tax filing compliance,. In addition correcting any current withholding issues or establishing quarterly es payments to prevent future balances
Submission& negotiation of the tax relief program with the IRS
The IRS processing times vary, depending If the returns were e_filed or submitted Manually (mail or fax)
Submitting your prior years of tax filings
Now that you have drafted the tax returns and are ready to submit to the IRS, you can say there is an additional step needed to complete the process: IRS Processing time for your prior year tax filings.
How are several years of unfiled tax returns submitted to the IRS?
There are 2 ways the IRS accepts tax returns. The First is through e-file. However, the E-filing system is only available for what is known as the “current year” and 2 prior years. All other years must be sent in through a manual process.
E-Filing of tax returns is by far the best & most secure way. When the tax returns are e-filed or electronically submitted to the IRS, the IRS returns back an acknowledgment of whether accepted or rejected. When the tax return is accepted electronically, then it is now up to the IRS to finish processing the tax return. If the Tax return is e-file rejected, the IRS will provide a rejection reason or code. There are times when the rejection can be fixed, such as if a name is misspelled or a social security number is entered incorrectly. If so, then you can fix the errors and re-submit the tax returns. However, if the rejection is unable to be corrected on the tax return, then the taxes would have to be processed through manual processing.
Manual processing of tax returns is done by 2 methods: Mailing to the IRS or special processing by fax. The tax returns that were due 3 years or more require manual processing. If a tax return is not able to e-file, then the taxes would have to be sent in for manual processing. Before submitting the taxes for manual processing, there needs to be a QC done for the following:
1) The tax return is originally signed ( Blue Ink signed is highly recommended).
2) All tax forms & schedules are included in the right order
3) keep proof of how you sent the taxes
4) Keep a copy of the tax returns
If you will be mailing the address for normal processing, the IRS accepts the tax returns based on the state where you live, and mailed out to the regular IRS mailing address. The other method of special processing is done with ACS Collections or the Collection Special Processing department. If you have other IRS tax balances, and you have missing or unfiled tax returns, most likely you have been in contact with the IRS Collections department. If so, then the IRS Collections may have given deadlines to get the unfiled taxes filed. When the IRS ACS Collections has given a deadline they may have given you an alternative IRS ACS Support Contact Mailing address or fax number to submit the prior year or delinquent tax filings.
In addition, there are times when you call the IRS ACS department, and while the agent is on the phone they may accept the past year tax filings by fax. IF you do this, the IRS ACS collections department notes your account that you have complied with the prior year tax filings, and will have to wait on a different department for the actual processing of the tax returns
We provide an honest & honorable approach to helping you resolve your tax problems
Call to Schedule a Free Case Review (949) 506-3457.
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The first place to go to help is direct with the IRS. However, the IRS has seen historic backlogs & delays it may be a while or a challenge to speak with someone.
We can also be of assistance with your unfiled taxes. Our experienced tax professionals can expertly file your missing taxes to minimize your taxes.
Our process begins with a free review of your situation. Once onboard, we get your IRS Transcripts and do all the communication & negotiation on your behalf with the IRS.
We can file your delinquent taxes so that you can be in tax filing compliance with the IRS.
We have organizers where we find your tax deductions & credits for your unfiled tax years.
To file your unfiled tax returns, we would take multiple steps.
The first step to file your back taxes is to gather all of your income. If you do not have records of your income, the IRS can provide the Wages & Income Transcripts for you.
Once you have gathered your income, you need to review the minimum tax filing requirements the IRS has for each year.
If you have a filing requirement, then the tax return would have to be filed.
On each tax filing, you need to complete, you can maximize your deductions & credits to minimize your taxes.
The IRS has e-filing for the 3 most recent tax years. The taxes due past the 3 most recent years would have to be submitted by either mail or special fax in processing. The Fax in the process is normally reserved with collections, when there are additional balances due
When you have not filed a tax return, the IRS may go back as far as possible since there is no statute of limitations when you have not filed your tax returns.
What is possible is that the IRS may file a tax return for you, known as a “Substitute For Return” or “SFR”. The IRS usually odes this when you will have a tax balance due.
If the IRS has filed for you, and now you have a balance due, the IRS has 10 years to collect the tax debt.
The 10-year date is the Collection Statute Expiration Date.
IRS payment plans require you to be in tax filing compliance before they would grant an installment plan.
Tax filing compliance means that you are all caught up with your tax filings.
The IRS Fresh start initiatives require that you have the 6 most recent tax years to be filed to be in tax filing compliance.
In some situations, you may need to file past the 6 years. Everyone’s situation is different.
We can evaluate your situation to see if it would make sense how many tax years would be needed to get you into tax filing compliance.
You can still file your tax returns going back 5 years. However, to claim any refunds, those are available to claim within 3 years of the original Due Date of the Tax Return.
Having multiple years of unfiled taxes you would need a starting point.
The starting point would be to determine if you have a filing requirement to file the tax return.
Once you have determined which years of back taxes need to be filed, it is highly recommended you begin with the oldest tax year needed.
The reason you need to begin with the oldest tax year is that there might be a carryforward of certain tax items, losses, or credits.
The strategy of filing your unfiled tax returns starting from the oldest tax year helps to minimize your taxes if a carryforward is needed.